Teachings with Geshe Sherab


Fri May 17, 7:30–9pm EDT
Sat–Sun, May 18–19, 10:30am–4:30pm EDT

Heruka Vajrasattva Tsog
Sat May 18, 4:45-5:45pm EDT


Peace Amidst Life’s Storm
Fri May 17

Is there such a thing? Is it possible to have inner peace when there is so much going on in our own lives, unrest in our corner of the world and greater conflicts in the world at large? The Buddha says YES!

Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy
Sat–Sun, May 18–19

“To avoid all evil, to cultivate good, and to cleanse one’s mind — this is the teaching of the Buddhas”

The Dhammapada, 14.183

“Buddhism is about learning and understanding yourself, your own mind and your emotions. With that understanding, [we are] trying to reduce negative and destructive emotions like unhappiness and pain [and to] cultivate love and improve the positive state of mind, compassion, wisdom and tolerance. These are the source of strength and courage.”

Geshe Sherab, The Buddhist Channel

Geshe Sherab, an accomplished scholar and practitioner, will provide an overview of Buddhist philosophy and practices so that we may cultivate our own paths to enjoy meaningful and fulfilling lives. This is a perfect teaching for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike, and a special opportunity to engage in discussions and Q&A with an immensely wise and kind teacher.

To know more about Geshe Sherab:

The Master from the New Generation – Geshe Thubten Sherab

Finding Inspiration in FPMT Centers: An Interview with Geshe Sherab

Heruka Vajrasattva Tsog 

Sat May 18, 4:45-5:45pm 

 This practice has the power to purify negative energy, which is the main thing preventing us from actualizing the path to enlightenment. The practice consists of a series of requesting verses combined with the recitation of the hundred-syllable mantra of Vajrasattva. This Heruka Vajrasattva practice includes tsog: an offering ceremony that represents assembling all of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in a visualization of a sacred dance. 

To register or learn more about this ceremony, please click here.  All are welcome to participate.

Important Note

This is an in-person and online event. Please review our latest Covid-19 policy if you are attending in person. For online, the events will be administered using Zoom*.

After registering, the system automatically sends a confirmation and/or a receipt email that contains the Zoom meeting link and/or other instructions. If you don’t immediately receive the system email(s) or you have any other questions, please contact us at registration@shantidevanyc.org.

*Zoom is an interactive video-conferencing tool that allows participants to see one another and ask questions. You will need a computer, a tablet or a smartphone with the Zoom application to attend. If you are using Zoom for the first time, please login earlier to allow any necessary installations on your device.

Registration / Schedule

Suggested: $20 per session
Other offering options: free, $5, $10, $30

Sat-Sun Schedule:

10:30am–12:30pm: Morning teaching
12:30–2:20pm: Lunch
2:30–4:30pm: Afternoon teaching

The suggested amount helps support teacher offerings and expenses, direct costs and rent. Shantideva member benefits will apply automatically if you have a membership in MindBody.

Shantideva Center may publish recorded sessions in the public domain (e.g., on YouTube). By registering for this event, you are agreeing to give your consent to this process. To protect your privacy, we recommend being conscious about any personal information you share during the sessions. To further enhance anonymity, you may want to consider turning off video or naming yourself using abbreviations.

Time zone: US Eastern Daylight Time (GMT/UTC-4)

For questions regarding registration, please email registration@shantidevanyc.org for assistance.

Additional Materials

Prayers for Teachings  (Desktop-Friendly PDF)  (Mobile-Friendly PDF)


Recording: Peace Amidst Life’s Storm with Geshe Sherab

Dana for the Teacher

Shantideva Center makes offerings to our teachers and facilitators using the funds collected through registration. You can give additional support to the teacher or facilitator and create a stronger karmic connection by offering dana. Please make sure to select the teacher’s or facilitator’s name in the dropdown menu. Dana offered is passed entirely to them, but please note that it is not tax-deductible.

About the Teacher

Geshe Thubten Sherab was born in 1967 in a small village in the province of Manang, the western part of Nepal, to a Kagyu-Nyingma family. He entered Kopan Monastery at the age of nine and completed his geshe studies at Sera Jey monastery in South India, followed by a year at Gyumed Tantric College. He then completed retreat and teaching assignments in the United States and Asia. Geshe Sherab served as headmaster of Kopan Monastery’s school for four years, overseeing debate training and tantric training activities. Geshe-la taught and helped in the FPMT International Office for two and a half years in Taos, New Mexico (2001–03) and also served as director of the FPMT board for a few years. For the last few years, Geshe-la has been traveling and teaching at FPMT centers in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Asia, and Europe, while also serving as resident teacher at Thubten Norbu Ling in Santa Fe, New Mexico.