Debate Club
with Gus Cutz
Our debate club makes its triumphant return, in a brand-new format, welcoming both newcomers and veteran debaters who are interested in gaining what Tibetans have called “the magical key that opens the door to all understanding”!
What Westerners often find most appealing about Buddhism is its insistence that nothing be taken on faith. And yet, few of us in the West are familiar with the sophisticated evidence presented in the Buddhist tradition for such claims as the existence of past and future lives, omniscience, emptiness, and the Four Noble Truths.
Likewise, few Westerners are conversant in the rigorous system of applied logic which in English has become commonly known as “Tibetan debate”—a system for methodically cultivating razor-sharp thinking, clarifying concepts with precision, internalizing logical connections, and uncompromisingly questioning our beliefs, to allow us to arrive at incontrovertible knowledge.
This system, while rigorous and nuanced, is also very practical and highly learnable, just like a new language. In this program, we will be setting off together as we familiarize ourselves with this basics of this method, in keeping with the Buddha’s advice to “come and see” for ourselves.
In the first three sessions, we will once again cover the fundamentals of the Tibetan debate system. Then, starting on the fourth week and for the remainder of the program, we will hit the virtual debate courtyard, and will from then on alternate between sessions facilitated by Gus and full sessions devoted to hands-on practice.
All newcomers, as well as anyone who would like a refresher on the mechanisms of debate, are invited to join the first three sessions, and all are invited to join starting with the fourth session.
In preparation for the first meeting, participants are encouraged to explore the resources freely offered on the website of the Nalanda Debate School of Sera Jey Monastery, including the excellent free online textbooks generously offered here.
Short Video
Gus Cutz discusses the benefits of Tibetan debate “the magical key that opens the door to all understanding”!
Additional Materials
Free Resource: Nalanda Debate School of Sera Jey Monastery, including free online textbooks
Recordings for 2024 classes.
This is a playlist. To jump to a particular session, click the playlist icon (near the top-right corner) of the video frame to select video.
Recordings for Apr 30-Jun 18, 2023 classes.
To jump to a particular session on the playlist, click the top-right corner of the video frame to select video.
Recordings for Feb 12-Apr 23, 2023 classes.
To jump to a particular session on the playlist, click the top-right corner of the video frame to select video.
About the Teacher
Gustavo Cutz is an FPMT-certified teacher with some 25 years of Buddhist practice and study. Gus previously worked as an editor at Wisdom Publications in Boston. He worked with Geshe Thubten Soepa on interpreting and summarizing Geshe-la’s teachings on several topics, such as the Four Noble Truths, the eight worldly concerns, and the six perfections until Geshe-la passed away in 2022. Gus has a doctorate from Rutgers University and works as a clinical psychologist on Long Island.
Gus has volunteered with Shantideva Center since 2008, facilitating and teaching Discovering Buddhism since 2012. With his deft mastery of a vast bibliography, Gus approaches Discovering Buddhism as a rigorous and comprehensive seminar. At the same time, Gus teaches with a light touch, warmly encouraging questions and valuing student understanding of the material. Gus brings the Buddha’s teachings to life with an appealing sense of humor, personal anecdotes, and vivid metaphors.
Gus also teaches the Debate Club at Shantideva Center in addition to teaching dharma topics at other spiritual centers.