Dharma Memberships

“Generosity is the most natural outward expression of an inner attitude of compassion and loving-kindness.” 
– His Holiness the Dalai Lama

About Our Membership Levels

Whichever membership option you choose, we are deeply grateful for your support and rejoice in the enormous positive energy (merit) you are creating for yourself and others!

Our new Mandala Membership level now begins at $50/month for unlimited free teachings and a host of other benefits. Any level of membership will offer much needed support for Shantideva Center.

Mandala Membership:
Unlimited Teachings, Unlimited Possibilities

Member Benefits:

  • All teachings free (including for family members at $108+/month level)
  • Prayer dedications at sponsored pujas at Kopan Monastery
  • First opportunity to reserve Dharma Office Hours with teachers
  • Invitation to special teachings and private events
  • Generating tremendous merit (positive potential)!

Jewel Membership:
Becoming the Wish Fulfilling Jewel

Member Benefits:

  • Prayer dedications at sponsored pujas at Kopan Monastery
  • First opportunity to reserve Dharma Office Hours with teachers
  • Generating tremendous merit (positive potential)!

Applicable member benefits apply automatically during registration if you have a membership in MindBody. Please email member@shantidevanyc.org if you’d like to contribute a different amount, have any questions, or need any assistance such as transferring your membership in PayPal. 

Why Membership?

By becoming a member, you enable Shantideva Center to exist. Since we operate on a generosity model (optional, tiered offering amounts), our center depends on each one of us to survive and thrive. The center also takes great care in using all incoming funds wisely and ethically. Through membership, we collectively support the sustenance of our monastic sangha and lay teachers, and the existence of Dharma teachings in our world. Our Dharma family has now expanded across the globe to locales such as Australia, Austria, Brazil, Colombia, Denmark, France, India, Ireland, Israel, Lebanon, Mexico, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Russia, Slovenia, Sweden, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. (We used to think New Jersey was far!) As a result, so many beings benefit!

Generosity and community are at the heart of Shantideva Center. With generosity, we practice compassion and loving kindness on our way to becoming buddhas. We also karmically create the causes for our spiritual and material prosperity. Even during busy periods when we can’t attend teachings or do formal practice as much as we’d like, a monthly membership enables us to generate positive karma continually. And Dharma is considered to be the highest form of generosity, since it is the cure for all levels of suffering and its causes, for all beings.

With community, we connect with supportive and like-minded people who help us to pursue the path, especially when the going gets tough. We help each other get through challenging times and give each other a Dharmic lens for viewing life’s problems. And we help each other become wiser, kinder and more patient, until we finally can access the pure, loving, and unlimited nature of our being.