One of Tibet's Very Greatest Scholar-Yogis
with Guy Newland

Thursdays, Jun 6, 13, 20 & *27, 7–8:30pm EDT


*Note: An additional session on Thu Jun 27.

Not known for scholarship or for Buddhist philosophy, the Nyingma tradition produced in the late 19th century one of Tibet’s very greatest thinkers: Ju Mipham Gyatso (1846-1912). 

Most Nyingmapas treat tantric teachings (especially Dzogchen) as absolutely superior to Nagarjuna’s Madhyamaka view of emptiness. Mipham, however, is like Tsongkhapa: a genius who gives us a grand synthesis of tantric teachings and Madhyamaka emptiness.

Mipham studied with the greatest teachers of eastern Tibet’s Non-Sectarian (ri-mé) movement. On this basis, he criticizes Tsongkhapa from an unusually well-informed perspective; he really knows what Tsongkhapa is doing and why it is important–but he still disagrees.

We will explore Mipham’s Buddhist system, his critique of Tsongkhapa, and talk about how his philosophy looks to Tsongkhapa’s followers.

Important Note

This is an online-only event that is administered using Zoom.

After registering, the system automatically sends a confirmation and/or a receipt email that contains the Zoom meeting link and/or other instructions. If you don’t immediately receive the system email(s) or you have any other questions, please contact us at registration@shantidevanyc.org.

*Zoom is an interactive video-conferencing tool that allows participants to see one another and ask questions. You will need a computer, a tablet or a smartphone with the Zoom application to attend. If you are using Zoom for the first time, please login earlier to allow any necessary installations on your device.

Registration / Schedule

Suggested: $20 per session
Other offering options: free, $5, $10, $30

The suggested amount helps support teacher offerings and expenses, direct costs and rent. Shantideva member benefits will apply automatically if you have a membership in MindBody. 

Shantideva Center may publish recorded sessions in the public domain (e.g., on YouTube). By registering for this event, you are agreeing to give your consent to this process. To protect your privacy, we recommend being conscious about any personal information you share during the sessions. To further enhance anonymity, you may want to consider turning off video or naming yourself using abbreviations.

Time zone: US Eastern Daylight Time (GMT/UTC-4)

For questions regarding registration, please email registration@shantidevanyc.org for assistance.

Additional Materials

An important and readable text, perhaps in some sense the root text for the upcoming teachings, is Douglas Duckworth’s Jamgon Mipam: His Life and Teachings. This authoritative and well-written book is designed for the non-scholar who has some background and wants to see how Mipham fits into the big picture.


To jump to a particular session on the playlist, click the playlist icon (near the top-right corner) of the video frame to select video.

Dana for the Teacher

Shantideva Center makes offerings to our teachers and facilitators using the funds collected through registration. You can give additional support to the teacher or facilitator and create a stronger karmic connection by offering dana. Please make sure to select the teacher’s or facilitator’s name in the dropdown menu. Dana offered is passed entirely to them, but please note that it is not tax-deductible.

About the Teacher

Guy Newland, Ph.D., is a scholar of Tibetan Madhyamaka whose teachers include Jeffrey Hopkins and Loling Geshe Palden Drakpa. He is a translator and editor of Tsongkhapa’s Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment and of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s teachings on that text, From Here to Enlightenment. Guy is the author of Introduction to EmptinessAppearance and RealityThe Two Truths, and A Buddhist Grief Observed.