Hope In the Dharma?
with Guy Newland
Does the Dharma offer hope? Or does it tell us that we should abandon hope? As we confront terrible challenges in the world, is the Dharma escapist or liberating? Or are these the same thing? The Dharma teaches us to ease away from grasping at future appearances. But this cannot mean abandoning care and commitment.
We will explore the idea of the Dharma as refuge, the teaching that “wishlessness” is a door to liberation, and consider how emptiness shows that hope is ultimately based in reality itself.
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About the Teacher
Guy Newland, Ph.D., is a scholar of Tibetan Madhyamaka whose teachers include Jeffrey Hopkins and Loling Geshe Palden Drakpa. He is a translator and editor of Tsongkhapa’s Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment and of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s teachings on that text, From Here to Enlightenment. Guy is the author of Introduction to Emptiness, Appearance and Reality, The Two Truths, and A Buddhist Grief Observed.