Peaceful Living, Peaceful Dying with Ven. Sangye Khadro
In this course Venerable will explore Buddhist perspectives on death and dying, as well as practices to prepare for our own death and help others who are dying.
In this course Venerable will explore Buddhist perspectives on death and dying, as well as practices to prepare for our own death and help others who are dying.
Geshe Tashi Dhondup teaches this three-session course on the death process, dissolution in eight stages, and the bardo. Learn the mechanics of what happens to the physical body during death, the internal signs that appear in our minds at various stages of dissolution, and the features of the bardo our subtle minds encounter while in the between-state of death and rebirth.
We experience loss regularly, how does bodhicitta become critical to move onwards? How does bodhicitta help us become more resilient?
Kimberly Brown reads from her book, shares her own experiences of loss, and leads brief mediations to help anyone suffering with loss.
Ven. Thubten Chodron will help us prepare for and process the emotional grief that may come from our teachers' passing and better understand their passing from the Mahayana and Vajrayana perspectives, which are often cryptic and speak of their lifespan depending upon our own practice.
Join Ven. Amy Miller as she helps us prepare for this important time of transition and teaches us how we can train our minds for a more peaceful and happy death.
The great master embodied the path to inner freedom but, for most of us, our everyday lives are challenging. Anxiety, low self-esteem, and self-centeredness are growing in our communities. How can we cope with these difficult issues? How can we shift from just surviving to thriving?
Ven. Robina gives a series of teachings on a diverse set of topics, including enjoying death, taking refuge and the bodhisattva vows, how to meditate, and how attachment pervades our lives.