Vajrasattva New Year Practice with Ven. Robina Courtin
Make a fresh start for the year 2025 by purifying our old habits with the meditation on the four powers and making optimistic decisions to change.
Make a fresh start for the year 2025 by purifying our old habits with the meditation on the four powers and making optimistic decisions to change.
Ven. Robina Courtin explores the concept "The Workshop is in The Mind". As Lama Zopa Rinpoche says, the workshop is in the mind. Combined with inner work, we learn to abide by the natural law of karma, which strengthens our confidence that we are the creators of our own reality and that there’s no karma that can’t be changed.
In learning to distinguish clearly between unhappy states of mind, such as anger, depression, and low self-esteem, and the upbeat states of mind, such as love, compassion, and confidence, that are actually at the core of our being, we are able to recognize and re-discover our profound innate potential.
Discover how to transform the challenges of our times into a free mind and boundless heart, in this weekend retreat of grounded vipassana (or, insight meditation) on the awakening factors.
Discover how to transform the challenges of our times into a free mind and boundless heart, in this weekend retreat of grounded vipassana (or, insight meditation) on the awakening factors.
Geshe Sherab, an accomplished scholar and practitioner, will provide an overview of Buddhist philosophy and practices so that we may cultivate our own paths to enjoy meaningful and fulfilling lives.
Georges Dreyfus offers a series of teachings on the Four Noble Truths Sutra (also known as "Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Dhamma"). This foundational teaching is always relevant, no matter where you are on your spiritual journey!
Ven. Robina teaches at Tibet House
The bodhisattva of wisdom Manjushri spoke these four lines to Sachen Kunga Nyingpo. This pithy teaching on parting from four persistent attachments condenses the whole path towards realizing enlightenment.
Join Hans and Marina to discover and activate our inner potential for warm heartedness and wisdom, all in harmony with a comparative modern scientific perspective and with the aim to contribute to the welfare in this world.