Janna Weiss


What do you do to support Shantideva Center?

I support Shantideva any way I can: as a member, doing whatever I’m  asked to do before, during, and after teachings, including arriving early for setup, folding katags, arranging tsog (food on the altar), greeting the  Rinpoche’s on the sidewalk, hanging tangkhas, staying for cleanup,  including putting away chairs and cushions, distributing tsog and food  that was offered to the teacher, and washing dishes (I like washing  dishes). Sometimes I facilitate.

What do you do professionally and/or as a hobby?

I’m an acupuncturist and herbalist. I volunteer: The Peace Alliance, The  Empathy Center, Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom,  MindFreedom International / PsychRights, JMAC for Families—Parent  Legislative Action Network (PLAN), Reincarnation Research. I’ve given  presentations on the Buddha-scientist’s mind science, on the science of  reincarnation, and on disability and child rights. I facilitate Empathy  Circles and FDCW’s 16 Guidelines courses. I also advocate for  beneficial legislation, for Tibet, for peace, and to reduce and end the  harm of child “protective” services, also known as family policing. I’m  trying to learn Tibetan Buddhist debate. Draw occasionally. I tweet a lot.

Why do you offer service? 

It’s such a joy to offer service to the Shantideva community. It gives me  a sense of belonging and purpose.

What do you find most rewarding about your role?

Being part of a community of friends working together to support the  most meaningful activity of all, which is helping ourselves and everyone  become free of ego. I love learning from the different teachers.

How has Shantideva Center benefited your life? 

Friends. The teachings. What the Buddha taught is priceless, so I gain  the great wealth of the dharma—Buddhist psychology, philosophy, and  meditation.

What are other volunteers like at Shantideva Center?

Oh! Terrible people. You wouldn’t want to meet them! Actually,  Shantideva Center volunteers are very kind, generous, and helpful.

Is volunteering for Shantideva Center flexible to your needs?

Of course, very flexibe! Whatever I do, whenever I can do it, is  appreciated. That’s the most flexible that exists.