We adopt identities based on nationality, job, ethnicity, sexual orientation, you-name-it, and grasp at them as definitive. Looking beyond these labels, we recognize what we all have in common, helping us to unite rather than divide. Join Venerable Thubten Chodron for a weekend of timeless teachings from 2nd century Indian sage Nagarjuna on how to live in line with our values, and by doing so benefit ourselves and all sentient beings. Venerable will teach from Practical Ethics and Profound Emptiness: A Commentary on Nagarjuna’s “Precious Garland” by Khensur Jampa Tegchok, which she edited.
Event Fee
Friday and Monday: $20/session (Shantideva members: $18)
Saturday and Sunday: $50/session (Shantideva members: $45)
(Member discounts will be applied automatically if you have transferred your membership to MindBody. If you need assistance doing this, please contact membership@shantidevanyc.org.)
About the Teacher

Venerable Thubten Chodron is an author, teacher, and the founder and abbess of Sravasti Abbey, one of the first Tibetan Buddhist training monasteries for Western nuns and monks in the US. She graduated from UCLA, and did graduate work in education at USC. Ordained as a Tibetan Buddhist nun in 1977, she has studied extensively with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Tsenzhap Serkong Rinpoche, and Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche. She received full ordination as a bhikshuni in 1986.
Ven. Chodron teaches worldwide and is known for her warm, practical, and humorous explanations of how to apply Buddhist teachings in daily life. She is also involved in prison outreach and interfaith dialogue. She has published many books on Buddhist philosophy and meditation, and is currently co-authoring with His Holiness the Dalai Lama a multi-volume series of teachings on the Buddhist path, The Library of Wisdom and Compassion. The fourth volume, Following in the Buddha’s Footsteps, will be published in October 2019. Visit thubtenchodron.org for a media library of her teachings, and sravasti.org to learn more about Sravasti Abbey.