Benefits We Offer

Similar to our Dharma Memberships, we have two categories of volunteers:

  1. Mandala Volunteers: those who offer regular ongoing support of at least 12 hours per month, for specific recurring responsibilities (and/or facilitate introductory classes/pujas)
  2. Jewel Volunteers: those who occasionally support specific needs/projects or offer under 12 hours of regular support per month

In addition to the immense karmic benefits of volunteering, here are the volunteer benefits we offer at Shantideva Center:

Mandala Volunteer Benefits: automatic Mandala Membership – which includes:

  • All teachings free 
  • Prayer dedications at sponsored pujas at Kopan Monastery
  • First opportunity to reserve Dharma Office Hours with teachers
  • Invitation to special teachings and private events

Jewel Volunteer Benefits: automatic Jewel Membership – which includes:

  • Prayer dedications at sponsored pujas at Kopan Monastery
  • First opportunity to reserve Dharma Office Hours with teachers

In addition, volunteering is a wonderful opportunity to make spiritual friends and be part of volunteer-only outings.