Our Volunteer Culture
Should a person do good, let him do it again and again. Let him find pleasure therein, for blissful is the accumulation of good.
We aspire to have each Shantideva Center volunteer experience “Ikigai” – a combination of what is joyful, skillful, helpful, and sustainable, so that our volunteers are genuinely happy in their roles.

We also aspire to create a volunteer culture that is both harmonious and professional:
- Harmony: we are kind to each other, help each other out, and do what is in the best interests of others instead of feeding one’s ego. Being harmonious includes having differences of opinion – but sharing them with each other with care and positive intention so that we can learn from each other, be equipped to make the best decisions possible, and recognize that different people will have different perspectives.
- Professional: we are responsible and reliable, with jobs that match our skill sets. We strive to produce high quality work with continuous learning and improvement, with excellence in our service as we aspire to match the excellence of the teachings themselves.
Our volunteer culture is extremely precious to us, and we believe it has been a key ingredient in our flourishing. We seek people who are committed to upholding and contributing to this culture to the best of their abilities.