Working with Anxiety: A Buddhist and Psychotherapeutic Response
A Public Talk with Dr. Pilar Jennings

As we navigate this time of polarization and strife, the healing arts of Buddhist teachings and Western psychology offer illuminating perspectives and methods. In this talk, we’ll explore a Buddhist and psychodynamic understanding of anxiety, its causes and personal symptoms. Together we will examine a contemplative response to this form of suffering as a way to cull meaning and offer support to those who experience anxiety and its many ripple effects. With a focus on interpersonal dynamics, including the spiritual mentor/student dyad, we will learn about key relational dynamics that can generate feelings and behaviors associated with anxiety. This talk will be relevant to meditators of all experience levels and clinicians interested in the clinical applications of Buddhist meditation.


About the Speaker

Dr. Pilar Jennings is a psychoanalyst based in New York City with a focus on the clinical applications of Buddhist meditation practice. She has been working with patients and their families in private practice and through the Harlem Family Institute since 2000. Dr. Jennings has been a Buddhist practitioner for the past 40 years and is a teacher of Tibetan Buddhism in the Sakya lineage. She is a Visiting Lecturer at Union Theological Seminary; Columbia University; and a faculty member of the Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science. Her most recent publication is To Heal a Wounded Heart (Shambhala 2017), a psychoanalytic memoir about her entry into clinical work.