Practices for Lama Zopa Rinpoche's Swift Return

Practices & Prayers

Latest Update from FPMT (Jun 2024):

Twenty-four Hours a Day, Seven Days a Week, Prayers for Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Quick Return

Inviting all students of Lama Zopa Rinpoche to participate in a worldwide, 24/7 prayer circle to amplify the causes for Rinpoche’s quick return! Find a convenient time slot that works for your schedule and other commitments to recite the prayers recommended for this purpose. You can sign up on the IMI website.

Latest updates on Rinpoche from FPMT 

Swift Return Prayers for Lama Zopa Rinpoche:

To create the causes for Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s swift return and continued guidance, Shantideva Center hosted online practices for 49 days, April 13- May 31, 2023:

  • Daily practices 
  • Heruka Vajrasattva Tsog 

Khadro-la has advised that this is a most important and precious time for students.

Prayer texts for the center’s online practices for 49 days, April 13- May 31, 2023 daily sessions:

Heruka Vajrasattva Tsog Offering:

  • Calling the Lama from Afar (PDF)
  • The Heruka Vajrasattva Tsog Offering (PDF)

Tell me more about Heruka Vajrasattva Tsog for Lama Zopa Rinpoche (hover over here). Click for even more information!

Every seven days FPMT centres from around the world will be offering tsog to draw closer to the guru, purify broken samaya, and create mountains of merit for the swift return of our precious guru Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Everyone is welcome to join this short yet profound practice, across the pixels of light, to create a joyous and strong group karma.


Reciting prayers together is far stronger if done together as a group, and helps create the collective merit we need as an FPMT community, to once again enjoy the direct teachings of our precious guru.


Over and over again we have been advised: actualise the lam rim, develop realisations in the heart. The yoga method of Heruka Vajrasattva has the power to purify all negative energy, which is the main thing preventing you from actualising the path.


We chant the beautiful Tibetan tunes, make offerings and recite the 100 Vajrasattva mantra – a profound method to meditate on emptiness, the ultimate purification.


Tsog means “gathering”. By gathering together to offer tsog we are making space. When the right space opens, realisations come as if magnetically attracted. Even if some of us are gathering across the digital divide, in our hearts we gather together all the things we’re offering, together across space and across time.


Source: Langri Tangpa Centre Inc 


Tara Practice led by Ven. Robina Courtin (Day 1)

FPMT Updates, Condolences, Remembrances

Latest updates on Rinpoche from FPMT 

Tributes, condolences, and notice of prayers being offered from great lamas, friends, and monastery officials around the world

Remembrances from students (where you can add a message)

Photo galleries of some of the prayers and pujas being offered for the swift return of Lama Zopa Rinpoche. 

Offerings at Kopan Monastery

Offerings made for Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s swift return, in a small room at the Boudha Stupa at Kopan Monastery in Nepal. Shantideva Center has contributed on behalf of its students, to some of the offerings in this room.