Meditation 101

Are you interested in learning how to meditate? Or, are you already familiar with meditation but seeking to gain momentum in your practice? Join us for a five-part introductory class where you will learn meditation techniques and put them into practice in a supportive learning environment.

Meditation can help relieve stress, improve concentration, reduce pain, and promote ease and social connection. Meditation has to do with how we relate to our own minds. It’s also a cornerstone to developing a wise heart on the spiritual path to enlightenment. Meditation 101 was designed by experienced teachers of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. This series provides all the tools you need to build a solid meditation practice.

Several essential techniques will be explained and practiced:

  • Breathing meditations
  • Mindfulness meditations
  • Visualization meditations
  • Analytical meditations on topics such as transforming negative experiences into positive ones

Each class will include guided meditation and discussion. Participants are encouraged to try these techniques on their own between sessions and share their experiences and advice with the group. Come see for yourself what time-tested meditation methods can do for your mind!