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How to See Yourself as You Really Are with Stephan Pende

Shantideva Center welcomes meditation teacher Stephan Pende as he leads an in-depth guided reading of the Dalai Lama’s book How to See Yourself as You Really Are–which is actually a tightly focused and clear meditation program for learning to see the world and ourselves as we actually exist, without the overlay of false imagination.

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Venerable Amy Miller

Choosing Kindness with Ven. Amy Miller

This program explores a practical path of transformation by being present with our pain, fear, and aversion. Mindfulness exercises and emptiness meditation are included along with reminders of how the Buddha practiced to help us move through these less than comfortable states.

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Rebirth Without Faith with Gus Cutz

The purpose of this series is to give an initial taste of the sophisticated line of inquiry underpinning one of the most central tenets of Buddhist thought and practice and to discuss how we might use the same methods used in the ancient Buddhist texts for answering modern questions not directly addressed in ancient times.

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