Daylong Retreat with Gus Cutz: Death and Rebirth
“If we must fear death, we should fear it because of the loss of opportunity to make our lives worthwhile, because of the loss of opportunity to subdue our minds.” –Yangsi Rinpoche, Practicing the Path
Death is certain, but its time is uncertain. How do we hold such a truth according to the Buddhist tradition? What does it mean to be of benefit to our own future rebirths? Tibetan Buddhism embraces the topic of death, taking it as an object of meditation, study, and preparation. Join this day of retreat with Gus Cutz, in which the topics of impermanence, death, and rebirth will be explored through a Dharma lens. Learn about the different stages of the death process, and the skills to help ourselves and others at the time of death. Gain experience in meditating on this weighty topic in a supportive setting and practice skillful reflection on the meaning of death.
This retreat is the culminating event for Discovering Buddhism: Death and Rebirth, though all are welcome to join.
About the Teacher
Gustavo Cutz is an FPMT-certified teacher and has been an active volunteer with Shantideva Center since 2008. Gus has been the facilitator for Discovering Buddhism since 2012 and he explains complex material with simplicity, making the Buddha’s teachings practical and always accompanied with enthusiasm and a delightful sense of humor.
In addition, Gus facilitates the Debate Club and leads one day retreats. He has also taught Dharma topics at other spiritual centers. He is working on interpreting and summarizing Geshe Thubten Soepa’s teachings on several topics such as the Four Noble Truths, the eight worldly concerns, and the six perfections.
Gus previously worked as an editor at Wisdom Publications in Boston. Presently he works as a clinical psychologist and practices on Long Island.