Hope In the Dharma? with Guy Newland
Guy Newland explores the idea of the Dharma as refuge, the teaching that "wishlessness" is a door to liberation, and consider how emptiness shows that hope is ultimately based in reality itself.
Guy Newland explores the idea of the Dharma as refuge, the teaching that "wishlessness" is a door to liberation, and consider how emptiness shows that hope is ultimately based in reality itself.
The course is based on The Fourteenth Dalai Lama's Stages of the Path: Guidance for the Modern Practitioner. It is Buddhism for the 21st century, relevant for today's world. Gavin Kilty will give an overview of each chapter to illustrate these points.
Buddhism and the Meaning of Life
Shantideva Center presents Geshe Sherab in this six-part teaching series on Nagarjuna’s uplifting praise to buddha nature. Come learn about how you can manifest your own naturally luminous mind!
The topics being taught - Renunciation, Buddha Nature, and Emptiness and Pure Perception - are essential to understand in order to attain the everlasting state of satisfaction. These topics will be presented in terms of not only their philosophical importance but also their practical application in daily life.