Medicine Buddha Puja

The Medicine Buddha puja purifies and heals on all levels: physical, mental, spiritual, and environmental. It is considered particularly powerful for people who are sick or have recently died, and for bringing both temporal success and the ultimate success of enlightenment.

We practice The Concise Essence Sutra Ritual of Bhagavan Medicine Buddha called The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel by Panchen Losang Chokyi Gyaltsen.

You are welcome to come as an observer or participant in this beneficial practice within a supportive community. There is no charge to participate, and you are welcome to make an offering of food or flowers to create merit, or positive energy.

Because this is a practice belonging to Action Tantra, it is best not to eat black foods (including meat, eggs, onion, garlic, and radishes) on the day of the puja. It is also best to avoid these foods in offerings. For food offerings, plant-based options are fantastic!

Important Note

This is an online-only event that is administered using Zoom.

After registering, the system automatically sends a confirmation and/or a receipt email that contains the Zoom meeting link and/or other instructions. If you don’t immediately receive the system email(s) or you have any other questions, please contact us at

*Zoom is an interactive video-conferencing tool that allows participants to see one another and ask questions. You will need a computer, a tablet or a smartphone with the Zoom application to attend. If you are using Zoom for the first time, please login earlier to allow any necessary installations on your device.

Sadhana During Practice

Sadhana and center prayers are usually screen-shared or projected during practice. If the session allows for in-person attendance, you are encouraged to download them onto your device, or to bring a printed copy if preferred.

FPMT – The Foundation Store
Please visit the link(s) below to have your own copy of the most up-to-date version.

Registration / Schedule

Open donation: free, $5, $10, $21, $35, $50, $108

Your generosity makes it possible for us to share the Dharma and continue working together for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Time zone: US Eastern Daylight Time (GMT/UTC-4)

For questions regarding registration, please email for assistance.

Prayer Requests

If you would like to request a dedication for yourself or someone else who might benefit from this practice, please email and provide basic information including the person’s name, city of residence, dedication message, etc. Please provide a 24-hour notice for prayer requests.  

Puja Sponsorship

You are welcome to sponsor all or part of the puja. Full sponsorship is $108. Great merit is created by your contribution of any amount. Sponsorship is processed through registering above, even if you will not be attending the puja. Please make sure to email with your prayer request. We are grateful for your generosity!

“If someone offers a small flower or rice to a Buddha statue, a stupa or scripture then the benefit extends from then up to Enlightenment. Amazing, amazing. It is said in the sutra Piled Flowers, on top of that benefit, you achieve ultimate happiness – liberation from the causes of delusion and karma and on top of that full Enlightenment – all the realizations and omniscient mind.” —Lama Zopa Rinpoche


This is a playlist. To jump to a particular session, click the playlist icon (near the top-right corner) of the video frame to select video.

About the Puja Leader

Native New Yorker, George Michael Cuesta, first came to the Dharma in this life while on a family vacation in Thailand in November 2005. At Wat Doi Su Thep in Chiang Mai, he was amazed by the giant stupa, the circumambulating pilgrims, the monks, the nuns, the incense, the water offerings, the chanting, the thangkas, and the ubiquitous statues of the Buddhas. Upon departure from the temple, he purchased “What the Buddha Taught” by Walpola Rahula and read it from cover to cover on the long plane ride home to New York City.

George then began practicing Dharma in 2006 and started practicing with Shantideva Center in October 2008 after an inspirational teaching with Venerable Robina Courtin, his kind teacher with whom he took Refuge Vows at Columbia University. George has been a licensed psychologist in the State of New York since 1996, and he has dedicated decades of his life serving Veterans and their families, to promote psychological healing and well-being.

George currently lives in Portland, Oregon and is currently a full-time graduate student at Maitripa College working toward the Master of Arts degree in Buddhist Studies at Maitripa College under Yangsi Rinpoche.