Discovering Buddhism

Wisdom of Emptiness
with Gus Cutz

Wednesdays, Sep 11, 18, 25, *Oct 2 & 9, 7–9pm EDT

Optional Review Session: Wed Oct 16, 7–9pm EDT


*Note: For the Oct 2 in-person/online class, Ven. Losang Gendun will be the guest teacher along with Gus Cutz.

 Informal in-person discussion / get-together: Wed Oct 2, 6-7pm EDT

In this module, we will work to enhance our ability to bring about the realization of emptiness, which is crucial for the attainment of liberation and enlightenment.

We will explore such questions as:

  • What is emptiness?
  • What is the relationship between emptiness and liberation and enlightenment?
  • What is the relationship between emptiness and dependent arising?
  • What are different ways to meditate on emptiness?
  • How can we realize emptiness?

We will also discuss and practice different methods to use in meditation on emptiness and practice accumulation of merit and purification of obstacles, which are indispensable for generating realizations.

This is the twelfth in a series of 14 modules covering the complete Buddhist path to enlightenment. Students may join at any point in the cycle. Discovering Buddhism is designed for students who wish to deepen their understanding of fundamental Buddhist concepts. The program is designed to provide an experiential taste of the Buddha’s teachings and the skills we need to make our lives most meaningful.

Each module includes teachings, meditations, readings, assessment questions, and a short retreat. For more information on the Discovering Buddhism program, please click here.

Important Note

The Oct 2 class will be in-person and online. The other classes will be online only. Please review our latest Covid-19 policy if you are attending in person. For online, the events will be administered using Zoom*.

After registering, the system automatically sends a confirmation and/or a receipt email that contains the Zoom meeting link and/or other instructions. If you don’t immediately receive the system email(s) or you have any other questions, please contact us at

*Zoom is an interactive video-conferencing tool that allows participants to see one another and ask questions. You will need a computer, a tablet or a smartphone with the Zoom application to attend. If you are using Zoom for the first time, please login earlier to allow any necessary installations on your device.

Registration / Schedule

The course is 5-weeks.

Suggested: $20 per session, or $90 for all 5-weeks of the course
Other offering options: free, $5, $10, $30

The review session or assessment on Wed Oct 16 is optional. Discovering Buddhism Daylong Retreat will be on Sun Oct 6, 10:30am—3:30pm. 

The suggested amount helps support teacher offerings and expenses, direct costs and rent. Shantideva member benefits will apply automatically if you have a membership in MindBody. 

Shantideva Center may publish recorded sessions in the public domain (e.g., on YouTube). By registering for this event, you are agreeing to give your consent to this process. To protect your privacy, we recommend being conscious about any personal information you share during the sessions. To further enhance anonymity, you may want to consider turning off video or naming yourself using abbreviations.

Time zone: US Eastern Daylight Time (GMT/UTC-4)

For questions regarding registration, please email for assistance.

Additional Materials

If you are a registered student, you may access the readings on our password protected page. Please refer to the confirmation email (or receipt email) for the page link and password. Please contact us at if you have questions about accessing this page.

Discovering Buddhism Certification

FPMT certification is available for those who complete all the components of the course. The completion certificate confirms the satisfaction of having accomplished a comprehensive engagement with the path to enlightenment and is symbolic of your commitment to spiritual awakening.

If you are interested in receiving credit for completing each module, please indicate your commitment to completing all of the module’s requirements by printing, completing, and signing the first page of this document. You can bring it to the first session of the module or email it to

Dana for the Teacher

Shantideva Center makes offerings to our teachers and facilitators using the funds collected through registration. You can give additional support to the teacher or facilitator and create a stronger karmic connection by offering dana. Please make sure to select the teacher’s or facilitator’s name in the dropdown menu. Dana offered is passed entirely to them, but please note that it is not tax-deductible.

About the Teachers

Gustavo Cutz is an FPMT-certified teacher and has been an active volunteer with Shantideva Center since 2008.  Gus has been the facilitator for Discovering Buddhism since 2012 and he explains complex material with simplicity, making the Buddha’s teachings practical and always accompanied with enthusiasm and a delightful sense of humor.

In addition, Gus facilitates the Debate Club and leads one day retreats. He has also taught Dharma topics at other spiritual centers. He is working on interpreting and summarizing Geshe Thubten Soepa’s teachings on several topics such as the Four Noble Truths, the eight worldly concerns, and the six perfections.  

Gus previously worked as an editor at Wisdom Publications in Boston. Presently he works as a clinical psychologist and practices on Long Island.


Venerable Losang Gendun has dedicated nearly four decades to practicing Buddhism and has served as a Bhikshu (Buddhist monk) in the Tibetan tradition for the past 18 years. Prior to his ordination, he worked in diverse fields such as palliative care, technology, refugee organizations, and commercial management. His extensive training includes ten years of studying Buddhist philosophy and practice in monasteries across France, India, Nepal, and Myanmar. Additionally, he spent over four years in retreat, immersing himself in Tibetan sutra and tantra, as well as the Burmese Theravada Forest Tradition.

For the last 15 years, Ven. Gendun has been a dedicated teacher, sharing his knowledge of Buddhist philosophy, psychology, and meditation worldwide. He serves the aspirations of H.H. the Dalai Lama and Lama Zopa Rinpoche as part of the FPMT (Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition). Ven. Gendun is also a member of Mind & Life Europe, a multidisciplinary laboratory that brings together researchers and contemplative practitioners to explore the nature of experience.

Beyond his Buddhist affiliations, Ven. Gendun serves as an interreligious canon at the Peace Cathedral in Tbilisi, Georgia, and feels at home at a Mevlavi Sufi dargah in Istanbul. In 2023, he founded The Buddha Project, which engages in long-term guidance for Buddhist meditators, scientific research, art projects, and intercontemplative social engagement.